JSC Chromtech has many years of experience in cooperating with manufacturers of fur and leather dressing equipment. We supply leather and fur finishing and textile industries with additives, compositions, dyes and auxiliary materials , manufactured by well known companies, such as “Zcshimmer & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG” (Germany), “Jos.H.Lowenstein & Sons, Inc.” (USA), “Jelu-werk”(Germany), and “Pulcra Chemicals GmbH“(Germany)” .
Our company offers the fur and leather dressing industry tools for every stage of leather processing: soaking, washing, tanning, lubrication, and dying as well as coat separation from skin. These are specialized products and standard chemicals (sawdust, tanning agents, grease, dye, etc.), used in leather and fur dressing, from which later various products are manufactured, such as clothing, footwear, furniture and haberdashery. We can propose processing tools for various types of animal fur: fox, nutria, mink, chinchilla, rabbit, sheep, and so on.
We sell products created for the textile industry: solvents and chemicals.